The Peddler sign on building


Heading to our Gatlinburg restaurant? Find the best way to reach us from where you are.

Directions to The Peddler Steakhouse

Do you need help finding our restaurant in Gatlinburg? Follow these step-by-step directions to get to The Peddler Steakhouse from different parts of the Smokies.

Directions from U.S. 441

  1. On U.S. 441 South through Gatlinburg, bear right at light 5 onto River Road – the middle street option. A sharp right turn will take you to Ripley’s Aquarium, and driving straight ahead takes you along the Parkway.
  2. After passing two more traffic lights, The Peddler Steakhouse is on the right side of River Road, next to The Bearskin Lodge and located on the river.

Gatlinburg Bypass Directions (use when traffic is heavy)

  1. Just before entering Gatlinburg, exit the Spur (the road between Pigeon Forge and Gatlinburg – U.S. 441) at the sign on the right: “National Park via Gatlinburg Bypass.”
  2. Drive 4 miles over a scenic overlook. This will bring you out above Gatlinburg in the National Park. Just follow the signs to Gatlinburg – less than a mile.
  3. Turn left when you enter Gatlinburg at light 10 onto Ski Mountain Road.
  4. At the next light – one block – turn right onto River Road. The Peddler is on the left next to The Bearskin Lodge.

Backroad Directions from Interstate 40, Exit 407*

  1. Exit I-40 at Exit 407 and follow Hwy. 66 into Sevierville.
  2. Turn left in Sevierville onto Hwy. 411, the Dolly Parton Parkway.
  3. Drive east on Dolly Parton Parkway past Sevier County High School on your left.
  4. Turn right on Pittman Center Road (Hwy. 416) – right lane must turn right 1 mile past the high school.
  5. On Pittman Center Road, drive straight, even when the signs say that 416 turns to the left. Continue on what has now become Birds Creek Road and later becomes Buckhorn Road as it winds through the scenic countryside. It will dead-end at Hwy. 321.
  6. Turn right toward the west and follow Hwy. 321 into downtown Gatlinburg.
  7. Bear left on the Parkway (U.S. 441) at light 3 in downtown Gatlinburg to light 5, then continue on River Road – the middle street option – and follow it past 2 lights to The Peddler Steakhouse on the right.

*You can enjoy the view from this different perspective and avoid miles of possible traffic delays along the main highway through Sevierville and Pigeon Forge.